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Online membership subscription

Cycling Insurance

As a club, we encourage all members to have third party insurance. RCCC is affiliated to Cycling UK. You can join Cycling UK at a discount using the club membership number: 90086208. This will give you third-party liability cover and access to retail discounts through Cycling UK.


Payment: BACS transfer to the Club bank account

Membership is £10 per year.

Account No 03123057 Sort Code 20-43-04
Please make it clear in the reference who you are paying for if you are doing it on behalf of another.


When you become a member of or renew your membership with Roberttown Community Cycling Club your contact details will be shared with ride leaders so in an emergency your next of kin can be contacted.


By typing your name in the sign box at the bottom you agree to the club's constitution and code of conduct.


Payment of Subs

I agree to abide by the rules and policies of Roberttown Community Cycling Club.
I understand the membership fee is payable annually (in June) and the fee will be set at the club AGM at the end of April.



Communications are issued monthly by email and posted on the Club website and Facebook page. Please answer in the box at the bottom YES or NO to receiving direct communications.

Thanks for joining

Roberttown Community Cycling Club

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© 2023 by Roberttown Community Cycling Club

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